About Us
At PHTS, we provide a quality, tailored service to match our students' needs. We aim to identify areas of difficulty and assist students to set SMART targets, so they can see results fast.Our tutors are professionals who create an enjoyable working atmosphere, building rapport with the students, so they feel comfortable asking questions, discussing work they don't understand, as well as building vital skills in communication and comprehension.
Many students stay with us through out their school life; receiving general guidance, support and assistance with home work and exam revision. Some students may only require short term assistance over the exam period.
Our tutors are flexible and will work around what the students' requires.
Our Tutors come from various backgrounds and specialise in their subjects. They are confident enough to guide and advise both students and parents in the best possible way to achieve their goals. Our tutors have a full DBS check and can visit students at home at their convenient time.

We have recently been selected at the 2020 Business Finalist for the Positive Impact Award for Luton and Bedfordshire.
We are very excited and extremely grateful for all the Love and support we have received from the Parents and Students and look forward to continue assisting you .
Jobs: Tutoring is a very rewarding job; you get to see your students flourish with the knowledge & guidance you provide. It is exciting, fun and a great learning experience for both students and tutors. We are always looking for new tutors to join PHTs for various subjects & levels. If you wish to find out more, please email us today. info@phts.co.uk